Gateway Business Group

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January is Membership Month

Posted Dec 05, 2022

Our focus for 2023 is on making a difference! The leadership of GBG is focused on events and activities that will impact our members, local communities, and the county, but we can only do this in partnership with you.

Membership Benefit (Promotion)

  1. Listing on the GBG website ( member's directory.
  2. Use of GBG email and social media platforms.
  3. Highlighted "Businesses of the Month"
  4. Grand Opening Events

Membership Benefit (Networking)

  1. Coffee and Connections
  2. Member's Meetings
  3. After Hours events

Membership Benefit (Educational)

  1. Webinars
  2. Workshops
  3. Weekly blog posts

Membership Benefit (Discounted Professional Services)

  1. Marketing
  2. Video and Photography
  3. Business Consulting
  4. Financial Services
  5. Inquire for more services

What we need from you.

1. Make sure we have your updated contact information.

2. Send us your logo and assets to be listed on the website. (

3. Attend our events (Member's Meetings, After Hours, Coffee, and Connections).

4. Consider hosting an "After Hours" Event. Contact us at (

5. Consider serving on a committee.

*Invoices Have Been Sent! Please check your inbox.

If you would like to schedule a call or coffee with our President, Rick Slark, schedule here.